
Saturday, March 26, 2016

For the last several years, I have spent focused time in the studio on images of water: waterfalls, rain (gee, how come?) and water movement. Into these images kept creeping structures. They were mostly architecture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. These images were from out trip in 2000 to Portugal and Spain. I thought it was funny but I’m an artist and funny things show up. These seemed slightly out of place but I just kept them. I know from past experience that the work will make sense later.  Now, they seem prophetic as Dennis & I get ready for our trip to Italy and our month long art residency in Venice, the vulnerable city on water.
I have added a couple of the prints here.

                     Pond Reflections, oil monotype, 9 in x 12 in

                     Underwater, watercolor monotype, 14.5 in x 16.5 in